Monday, June 20, 2011

How to Decorate a Man’s Bedroom Decorating Idea

How to Decorate a Men’s Bedroom Decorating Idea. Men usually like something simple, no fuss, and practical. As well as the design of Man’s Bedroom. Something practical certainly favored by many men. So how How to Decorate a Man’s Bedroom? The following are some tips you may be able to make the inspiration for your designs.

1. choose a color to suit yourself, so that the theme of your bed will be obvious, and combine these colors in a bedroom wall, blanket and existing furniture. so color can be matched.

2. Cover the seating with slip covers that match the curtains and comforter. They don’t have to be the same pattern, but they should be in the same color scheme. This will help tie the room together.

3. Place the floor lamp in the corner of the room. This will enable you to have sufficient lighting for conversation or reading without having to use harsh overhead lights. It can also help set the    mood if you cover it with a red scarf.

4. Put your hamper in the corner of the room where you can easily toss clothes. This will make it easier to keep things organized and hide dirty clothes from sight.

5. A desk is always a must-have in a man’s room. Together with lamps, an alarm clock is best by his side to keep him on time with his life events.